Introduction of linear switches:

how to lube linear switches? In the world of mechanical keyboards, the choice of switches can greatly affect your typing experience. Among the plethora of options available, linear switches stand out as a best choice, and for good reason.We try to Understand that what linear switches are and why we need lubrication to maintain their performance, is fundamental knowledge for keyboard enthusiasts and those seeking a smooth and continuous typing experience.

What are Linear Switches?

Linear switches show a distinctive category of mechanical keyboard switches known for their simplicity and elegance in design. Unlike their tactile or clicky counterparts, linear switches help users to provide a streamlined keypress mechanism. This shows that when you press a key equipped with a linear switch, you experience a seamless, uninterrupted keystroke from the initial press to the bottom-out point.

how to lube linear switches

Why is Lubrication Necessary? how to lube linear switches?

The reason for the success of linear switches lies in their inherent smoothness. However, even the smoothest of switches can lose their lustre over time due to friction produced by rubbing and wear. This is where lubrication steps in as an essential part of maintenance. To lubricate the linear switches we apply a specialised substance that helps to reduce the friction between the moving parts within the switch. This is simply an effective process that ensures that the switches continue to provide a consistent, silky keypress feel.

In the latter sections, we will delve deeper into the world of linear switches, exploring the different types of linear switches available to us,like

 The tools needed for maintenance 

 The step-by-step process of lubrication.

 By the end of this article, you’ll have a complete understanding of how to preserve and increase the performance of your linear switches, keeping your mechanical keyboard experience as smooth as the day you unboxed it for the first time.Certainly, here’s the section on

  • Gathering Your Supplies   
  • Types of Lubricants
  • Necessary Tools

 Gathering Your Supplies

Before going on the journey of lubricating your linear switches, it is important to gather all the necessary supplies. Proper preparation allows a smooth and hassle-free process. Here’s what you need to gather:

Types of Lubricants

1. **Silicone Lubricant:** This is the most popular  choice for lubricating the linear switches because of its compatibility with other switch materials. Silicone lubricants come in many different types of thicknesses or viscosities, allowing you to fine-tune the feel of your switches to your preference.

2. Krytox Lubricant: is Known for its very high-quality performance, Krytox lubricants are well-regarded in the mechanical keyboard community. They are available in many different grades and are prized for their long-lasting effects in the community.

3. Grease Lubricant: Grease lubricants are thicker and more viscous.They provide a dampened and quieter experience for typing. They are ideal for users who prefer a softer keypress during typing.

4. Perfluorinated Grease: are often referred to as PFPE grease, this type of  lubricant is recognized for its exceptional durability and resistance to drastic conditions. It is one of the best choices for long-term lubrication and for the best performance of the switches.

5. Nano-Oil: Nano-oil lubricants are especially designed to penetrate even the tiniest gaps in switches, for excellent coverage of the space between the switches and reducing friction effectively to increase their efficiency.

Necessary Tools

To properly lubricate your linear switches, you’ll need the following tools:

1. Keycap Puller: This tool allows you to remove keycaps from your keyboard easily, exposing the switches beneath.

2. Switch Opener: A switch opener is essential for safely opening your switches, allowing you to  access the internal components for lubrication.

3. Brushes or Applicators: You should have brushes or applicators with very fine tips to apply the lubricant precisely to the components of the switches.

4. Lubing Station (Optional): A lubing station can help to streamline the process for lubrication and holding switches securely in place while you work on them.

5. Tweezers: Tweezers are necessary for holding small switch components and placing them back into their place.

By gathering these supplies and tools, you’ll be well-prepared to embark on the process of lubricating your linear switches effectively and ensuring a satisfying typing experience.

 How to Lubricate Linear Switches: A Step-by-Step Guide

Linear switches are well known for their smooth keystrokes, but with the passage of time, they can lose their lustre due to friction and wear. The solution is? Lubrication. In this comprehensive guide, we will tell you about the process of effectively lubing your linear switches to restore that buttery-smooth typing experience.

Preparing Your Workspace

Clean and Organised Space

Before you start, ensure that your workspace is clean and well-organised. Remove any clutter and also have adequate lighting. This will help you to work with more efficiency and will also reduce the risk of losing small components being used during the process.

Safety Precautions

Prefer your safety first! Wear gloves to protect your hands from any lubricants that can damage your skin and potentially sharp switch components. Adequate ventilation is also required, especially when you are working with certain lubricants that may emit fumes.

 Disassembling the Keyboard

Removing Keycaps

First of all you should remove the keycaps from your keyboard. Use a keycap puller to gently pop them off one by one. You should be careful not to damage the keycaps or the switches beneath.

 Opening the Keyboard Casing

To access the switches, you’ll need to open the keyboard casing. Depending on your keyboard’s design, this may involve removing screws or clips. Refer to your keyboard’s manual for specific instructions mentioned for your help.

Cleaning the Switches

Removing Dust and Debris

Once the keyboard casing is open, clean the dust and debris from the switches for the proper process to begin. Use compressed air or a small brush to remove any foreign particles. A clean foundation is crucial for effective lubrication.

Using Isopropyl Alcohol

Dampen a lint-free cloth or cotton swab with isopropyl alcohol and carefully clean the switch housings and stems. This step allows that the switches are free from any contaminants and ready to be lubricated.

Applying Lubricant

Lubing Techniques

When it comes to lubing linear switches, the only thing that matters is technique. Apply a thin layer of lubricant to the switch stem and housing. Prefer a brush or use a syringe for precision. Experiment to find the method that works best for you.

Amount of Lubricant

Try to use lubricant carefully. Over-lubing can lead to a mushy feel, so start with a smaller amount and add more if needed only. The goal is to reduce friction and not to drown the switches.

Reassembling the Keyboard

Placing Keycaps Back

Placing the keycaps back into place is one of the most carefully carried out processes.

Closing the Keyboard Casing

Put the keyboard casing back together, following the reverse steps of disassembly. Tighten any screws or reattach any clips if present in your keyboard’s design.

Testing Your Lubed Switches

Typing Test

Once you resemble your keyboard  , it’s time for a typing test. Notice the difference in keypress feel and sound. You should experience a smoother, quieter typing experience as compared to before the lubrication process.

Sound Test

If sound is more important to you,then listen to the changes in sound after lubricating the switches. Linear switches should produce pleasant sound after lubrication.

Maintenance Tips

Keeping Your Switches Clean

Regularly clean your keyboard and switches to protect the build-up of dust and debris, which can affect the performance of your switches.

Re-Lubing Schedule

Relubing is essential for better efficiency of switches. Consider a re-lubing schedule based on your usage. Heavily used keyboards require re-lubing every few months, while lightly used ones can be lubed after a much longer time.

Common Mistakes to Avoid


Be cautious not to over-lubricate your switches otherwise it can lead to diminished keypress feel.

Inadequate Cleaning

Thoroughly cleaning your switches before applying lubricant is essential. Any debris left behind can cause a decrease in efficiency of the lubing process.

Advantages of Lubed Linear Switches

Improved Typing Experience

Lubed linear switches allow a smoother and more satisfying typing experience and also reduce the tactile friction with every keystroke.

Extended Switch Lifespan

Properly lubricated switches experience less wear and tear resulting from friction, potentially extending the lifespan of your keyboard.

Conclusion about linear switches:

Lubricating your linear switches is a worthwhile endeavour for anyone seeking a premium typing experience. By following these steps and tips, you can maintain the smoothness and improve the typing experience of your keyboard switches.

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