Cherry MX Black switches are renowned for their smooth and linear keystrokes, making them a popular choice among gamers and typists. In this article, we’ll dive into the details of Cherry Black switches, their unique characteristics, and the reasons why they are favored by many keyboard layout enthusiasts.

Introduction to Cherry MX Black Linear Switches

Mechanical keyboards have gained immense popularity among users who value the feel and performance of their typing or gaming experience. Central to these keyboards are the mechanical switches that underpin every keystroke. Among the plethora of switch options available, Cherry Black switches have secured a special place for their distinct characteristics.

Cherry MX Black

Understanding Mechanical Keyboards

Unlike traditional rubber dome keyboards, mechanical keyboards use individual mechanical switches for each key. These switches are responsible for registering keypresses and are known for their durability and tactile feel. MX Black switches are one such variety that has captured the attention of keyboard enthusiasts worldwide.

Cherry MX Black Switch Overview

MX Black switches are a part of the Cherry MX family, produced by the German company ZF Electronics. They are specifically classified as linear switches, which means they lack the tactile bump or audible click that is characteristic of other switch types.

Key Characteristics

 Linear Actuation:

The hallmark feature of Cherry MX Black switches is their linear actuation. This means that the keystrokes are consistent from the top of the keypress to the bottom. Unlike switches with tactile bumps, MX Black switches provide a smooth and uninterrupted keystroke experience.

Smooth Keystrokes:

The linear design of Cherry MX Black switches results in incredibly smooth and uninterrupted keystrokes. This characteristic is highly sought after by gamers and typists who prefer a consistent feel in every keypress.

High Actuation Force:

MX Black switches have a higher actuation force requirement compared to other switches, typically around 60-70g. This means you need to apply a bit more force to register a keypress, which can be beneficial for preventing accidental key presses during intense gaming sessions.

No Audible Click:

In contrast to switches like Cherry MX Blue, which are known for their audible click, MX Black switches are quiet. They don’t produce the clicking sound, making them suitable for shared workspaces or late-night typing without disturbing others.


MX Black switches find use in various applications, making them a versatile choice for different types of users.


Gamers often prefer Cherry MX Black switches for their linear feel, high actuation force, and lack of tactile feedback. These qualities allow for rapid and precise keypresses without any interference.


Typists who appreciate a quieter keyboard and desire a consistent typing experience might opt for Cherry MX switches. The smooth keypresses ensure a satisfying and error-free typing experience.


Programmers who spend extended periods typing code may also favor these switches. Their durability and comfortable actuation make long coding sessions less fatiguing.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Let’s explore the pros and cons of using Cherry MX switches.


Smooth Typing Experience: Cherry MX Black switches provide a consistent and smooth typing experience, making them comfortable for prolonged use.

No Audible Disturbance: They are relatively quiet compared to clicky switches, ideal for those who require a noise-free environment.

Durable: Cherry MX Black switches are known for their longevity, capable of withstanding millions of keypresses.


Lack of Tactile Feedback: Some users prefer a tactile bump for a more distinct keypress feedback, which Cherry MX Black switches do not offer.

High Actuation Force: The higher actuation force may be fatiguing for some users during extended typing sessions.

 Notable Alternatives

While Cherry MX Black switches have their merits, there are several alternatives to consider.

Cherry MX Red:

Cherry MX Red switches are similar to Cherry MX Black but with a lighter actuation force, making them easier to press. These are preferred by gamers who require quick and light keypresses.

Cherry MX Black

Cherry MX Brown:

Cherry MX Brown switches offer a subtle tactile bump for typists who want a balance between gaming and typing.

Gateron Red:

Gateron Red switches are an alternative to Cherry MX Red. They are smoother and generally less expensive, making them popular among budget-conscious gamers.


One of the appealing aspects of mechanical keyboards is the ability to customize the switches. You can replace the Cherry MX Black switches with other types if you want to change the feel of your keyboard. This flexibility allows you to tailor your typing or gaming experience to your liking.

In conclusion, Cherry MX Black switches stand out for their smooth and linear keystrokes, making them a preferred choice for gamers, typists, and programmers. Whether you opt for Cherry MX Black switches or explore alternatives, mechanical keyboards offer a world of customization and comfort for your typing and gaming needs.

Understanding Mechanical Keyboards:

Before we delve into Cherry MX Black switches, let’s first understand the basics of mechanical keyboards. Unlike traditional rubber dome keyboards, mechanical keyboards use individual mechanical switches for each key. These switches are responsible for registering keypresses and are known for their durability and tactile feel.

Cherry MX Black Switch Overview:

Cherry MX Black switches are part of the Cherry MX family, which is produced by the German company ZF Electronics. They are specifically classified as linear switches, which means they lack the tactile bump or audible click that is characteristic of other switch types.

Key Characteristics:

A. Linear Actuation: Cherry MX Black switches offer a linear actuation, meaning the keystrokes are consistent from the top of the keypress to the bottom. This is different from switches with tactile bumps, which provide feedback as you press the key.

B.Smooth Keystrokes: The linear design of Cherry MX Black switches results in incredibly smooth and uninterrupted keystrokes. This is highly sought after by gamers and typists who prefer a consistent feel.

C. High Actuation Force:Cherry MX Black switches have a higher actuation force requirement compared to other switches, typically around 60-70g. This means you need to apply a bit more force to register a keypress, which can be beneficial for preventing accidental key presses during intense gaming sessions.

D. No Audible Click:These switches are quiet compared to clicky switches like Cherry MX Blue, making them suitable for shared workspaces or late-night typing.


Cherry MX Black switches find use in various applications:

A. Gaming: Gamers often prefer Cherry MX Black switches for their linear feel, high actuation force, and lack of tactile feedback, which allows for rapid keypresses without any interference.

B. Typing: Typists who appreciate a quieter keyboard and desire a consistent typing experience might opt for Cherry MX Black switches. 

C. Programming: Programmers who type for extended periods may also favor these switches for their durability and comfort.V. Advantages and Disadvantages:


Smooth Typing Experience: Cherry MX Black switches provide a consistent and smooth typing experience, making them comfortable for prolonged use.

2. No Audible Disturbance:They are relatively quiet, ideal for those who require a noise-free environment.

3. Durable: Cherry MX Black switches are known for their longevity, capable of withstanding millions of keypresses.


  1. Lack of Tactile Feedback:Some users prefer a tactile bump for more distinct keypress feedback, which Cherry MX Black switches do not offer.

2.High Actuation Force: The higher actuation force may be fatiguing for some users during extended typing sessions.

VI. Notable Alternatives:

While Cherry MX Black switches have their merits, there are several alternatives to consider:

A. Cherry MX Red: Similar to Cherry MX Black but with a lighter actuation force, making them easier to press. These are preferred by gamers who require quick and light keypresses.

B. Cherry MX Brown: These switches offer a subtle tactile bump for typists who want a balance between gaming and typing.

C.Gateron Red:An alternative to Cherry MX Red, Gateron Red switches are smoother and generally less expensive, making them popular among budget-conscious gamers.


One of the appealing aspects of mechanical keyboards is the ability to customize the switches. You can replace the Cherry MX Black switches with other types if you want to change the feel of your keyboard. This flexibility allows you to tailor your typing or gaming experience to your liking.


Cherry MX Black switches are renowned for their smooth and linear keystrokes, making them a preferred choice for gamers, typists, and programmers alike. Their unique characteristics, including a lack of tactile feedback and higher actuation force, set them apart in the world of mechanical switches. Ultimately, the choice of switch type depends on your personal preferences and the tasks you intend to perform. Whether you opt for Cherry MX Black switches or explore alternatives, mechanical keyboards offer a world of customization and comfort for your typing and gaming needs.

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